COVID-19 Self-Reporting Form
Please enter your information so we can locate you in our system.
Enter your V#:
If you don't know your V#, you can look it up here.
Enter your birth date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Find my record
By selecting this box, you confirm you will not return to the Victoria College campus until your quarantine period is over.
I have tested for COVID-19
I am Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
I have been in close contact with someone who is showing COVID-19 symptions or who has tested positive for COVID-19
I have been on campus since since the onset of my symptoms or exposure to COVID19
Provide the details of the locations you visited.
Check your Victoria College Email to confirm correct submission of data. This email will contain your return to campus date. Your instructors will be notified of your submission.
When were you tested for COVID-19? *
When did you begin experiencing symptoms? *
Diarrhea or vomiting
Muscle or body aches
Congestion or runny nose
Fever and chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
When were you exposed to COVID-19? *
We maintained social distance of 6 feet or more.
I was wearing a facial covering.
We remained in close contact for 15 minutes or less.
Where were you exposed to COVID-19?
Submit Form
Thank you! Your instructors will ONLY be notified if you are asked to quarantine.