Continuing Education Application
This application is only valid for Continuing Education classes. If you want to take classes for academic credit, you must use
Apply Texas.
A new application is needed for each CE Term. Please select the term for the course(s) you plan to take. Not sure what term the class you need to take is in? To find your term, click on the appropriate link below:
Workforce & Continuing Education > Schedule
> Schedule
Allied Health Continuing Education > Course Offerings
> Course Offerings
You may already be in our system.
If you know your v#, enter it below, then click to check for a record.
Victoria College student id (V#):
If you do not know your v#, enter your name and your birth date and SSN, then click to check for a record.
Last Name *
First_Name *
Middle Initial
Birth Date MM/DD/YYYY *
Social Security Number
Check for Record
Link to BanSam - Select New User and enter the requested information.
One potential matching record has been found in our system. Please confirm your identity by selecting a phone number that has been associated with your account. *
Confirm Number
Existing Continuing Education Account
Victoria College student id (V#):
Name on File
If your name has changed from what is listed above, use this link to request an update.
It appears you have an active student account.
You are eligible to register for Continuing Education and Workforce classes. You can use the BanSam link below to create an account or reset your password.
Student Status:
Click here to setup your student computer account.
It appears you have a student account, update your information below to create a current application.
Select the main type of Continuing Education classes you intend to take
Email *
Click here to receive email information on upcoming classes and workshops.
Contact Phone Number *
Work Phone Number
County *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Which location would you like to attend *
Do you have any disabilities or special needs that might affect your ability to be successful in class? If yes, our team will follow-up with you to see how we can help.
Gender *
Are you a citizen of the United States?
Record Confirmation failed.
You should attempt to find your id using the provided link. If you are unable to locate your record, you can contact the Victoria College Admissions and Records office at (361) 485-6841.
Lookup your account - Select New User and enter the requested information.